By: NWSL Editor
Nominee: Anna Heilferty 

Community Partner: Friends of Anacostia Park

Appreciation Night Match: October 13

Having grown up in the DC area, Anna’s connection to the community and passion for bettering it, drives her in all the orgs she works with. Whether it's working with the LGBTQ+ youth in SMYAL’s program, investing in the young poet athletes at DC SCORES or working with the dozens of sustainability organizations she’s connected with through her role as DC’s Department of Energy and Environment Sustainability Ambassador she’s constantly investing in the community that has invested in her, her whole life.

While the amount of work Anna’s done in the community is notable, it's the way she goes about working that’s her biggest contribution to the community. She shows up to everything with her whole self, interacting with people as individuals with genuine authenticity and warmth. She’s built herself a platform as the go to for sponsors and partners who want to work with someone who’s invested and thoughtful whether it's as DC’s first working athlete ambassador or a fierce advocate for the Environment and LGBTQ+ Community. But her biggest contribution is at the personal level where she makes people feel seen with the added bonus of being a professional athlete.

Lauren Holiday Impact Award

2024 Nominees