By: NWSL Editor
Nominee: Celia Jiménez

Community Partner: SpaceKids Global

Appreciation Night Match: September 28

Celia is passionate about girls in STEAM and inspiring girls to pursue careers in math, science, and engineering. She was one of three girls at the time to complete her undergraduate degree in aerospace engineering at Alabama and so she is always looking for opportunities to inspire girls in the STEAM fields. Celia has volunteered at STEM camps and clinics for girls throughout her time as a pro player. She never passes up an opportunity to speak to girls and school groups who attend Orlando games about math, science, and other subjects related to STEAM.

Celia has be involved with Space Kids Global this year and recently participated in a Q&A about space, soccer, and the science behind both. Celia also plans to partner with local girls from various non-profits to lead trips to the Orlando Science Center where she will spend quality time talking about what STEAM means to her and acting as a mentor.

Lauren Holiday Impact Award

2024 Nominees